Delivering more homes: how can councils & housing associations work better together?
registration: 07.45 - 08.00
seminar: 08.00 - 09.00Local authorities are increasingly involved in new development. In many cases, councils are working to deliver new homes using their own resources. In other cases – especially for major programmes and strategic sites – it makes sense to work in partnership with others. Housing associations are uniquely well placed to support such joint initiatives. One recent major example of a successful joint venture is the £120m deal between Brighton & Hove Council and Hyde Housing to deliver 1,000 new homes.
We will hear from key players in that initiative, as well as other experts who will discuss the opportunities and the challenges of creating successful partnerships between councils and associations.
Speakers include:
- Maggie Rafalowicz, Director, Campbell Tickell
- Matthew Waters, Partner, Bevan Brittan
- Elaine Bailey, Group Chief Executive, Hyde Housing
- Maggie Gjessing, Head of Housing Growth, Leeds City Council
Spaces are limited.
RSVP: events@campbelltickell.com
This event will be of interest to housing and local authority senior managers and directors
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