Legal intelligence for professionals in health and social care
This Update contains brief details of recent Government publications, legislation, cases and other developments relevant to those involved in health and social care work, which have been published in the last month.
If you have been forwarded this update by a colleague and would like to receive it directly, please email Claire Bentley.
Care | Information Law |
Commissioning | Inquests |
Employment/HR | Mental Health |
Finance | Primary Care |
Foundation Trusts | Regulation |
Governance | General |
Healthcare Associated Infection |
ExtraCare well-being: review of 2011. This
report summarises some of the key points that the charity has
encountered over the last year. It focuses on ExtraCare's
Fracture-Free project, funded by a grant from the Department of
Health, which looks to reduce the impact of fractures for residents
by detecting previously undiagnosed osteoporosis.
RCN lone working survey 2011. This survey finds
that over 60 per cent of nurses working in the community have been
subjected to abuse in the past two years. The RCN is calling on
employers to do all they can to protect their nursing staff and is
urging all lone working nurses to consider the risks and act with
caution at all times.
Emergency bed use - what the numbers tell us. This briefing by the Kings Fund examines why we need to understand more about bed use for emergency admissions; what progress has been made in reducing bed use; how reducing bed use can lead to improved quality of care and patient experience; and what the next steps should be.
R (Mavalon Care Ltd) v Pembrokeshire CC [2011] EWHC 3371
(Admin) (Admin Ct). The High Court has for a second time
quashed Pembrokeshire CC's decision regarding the fees paid to
residential care home providers.
In December 2010 in R (Forest Care Home Ltd) v Pembrokeshire CC [2010] EWHC
3514 (Admin), Hickinbottom J quashed the Council’s original
decision to pay £390 pw per resident in 2010/11. The council then
reassessed the rate using an economic toolkit and raised its
payment per resident to £464 pw. The seven claimants, care home
providers that delivered 22.4% of all beds in the area, applied for
judicial review of that new decision. They contended that the
Council had breached its duty under s.21 of the National Assistance
Act 1948 as the methodology used, which resulted in a fee of some
£52 pw per resident lower than it would otherwise be, lacked any
rational foundation, failed to take account of its legitimate
current and future costs, did not consider what they needed in
order to be viable, and gave no incentive for care home providers
in the county to improve their facilities.
The court held that an important part of the judgment in Forest
Care Homes had been lost sight of. The clear message of
Hickinbottom J's judgment was that a decision-maker who agreed to
use a model, but then wished to depart from it, needed to take
great care lest the departure was an inappropriate one. The council
might have reached a different decision if it had had regard to the
guidance about sustainability, what was stated in Forest Care Homes
on the application of the toolkit, and the way in which, given the
initial decision to use the toolkit, a departure from it had to be
justified. The new decision would be set aside and remitted to the
Council for the redetermination of the rate for 2010/11.
If you wish to discuss any of the items raised in this section please contact Carlton Sadler.
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NHS standard contracts for 2012/13. The DH has
published the NHS Standard Contract for 2012/13 for use by
commissioners when commissioning NHS funded acute, ambulance,
community and mental health and learning disability services from
all types of providers. It brings together the previous four core
contracts into a single restructured contract. The NHS Standard
Contract for 2012/13 reflects the requirements set out in the
2012/13 NHS operating framework. There is also supporting guidance.
National variation documents will be issued to vary the existing
standard contracts that expire after 31 March 2012. This contract
sits alongside the Care Homes Contract and the High Secure Services
contract which were published in 2011/12.
NHS Commissioning Board Special Health Authority:
question and answers. This question and answers document
attempts to ask and answer some of the more frequently asked
questions about the special health authority.
Involving older people in commissioning: more power
to their elbow? This report from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation
studies older people’s wishes and experiences of commissioning
health and personal care services. The study investigates what
happens when older people are given the opportunity to shape
service commissioning and delivery, and also raises wider questions
about the impact of their involvement, particularly whether it can
change the nature of local power relations in the long term. It
identifies Dorset and Salford as two areas where structures and
processes exist which encourage and facilitate the involvement of
older people in local decision-making.
If you require further information about any of the items
raised in this section please contact
David Owens.
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Raising a concern with CQC: a quick guide for
health and care staff about whistleblowing. This guide has been
written for health and care professionals that need to raise a
concern about their workplace. It gives advice on speaking out
about poor care and what protection you will have from the law if
you do.
Remediation report. This report by the Steering Group on Remediation looks at clinical competence and capability issues occurring in doctors no longer in the training grades. The Steering Group found that whilst there was much good practice in managing clinical competence and capability concerns, it was still an area that many employers and contracting bodies found difficult to manage. Providing suitable remediation packages was also challenging and was often difficult and very expensive, and it appeared that ignoring a problem until it became a crisis sometimes seemed to be the easiest solution. The Group has developed a set of principles that should be followed when tackling poor performance; it also considered the factors that will support or undermine how concerns are identified and dealt with through remediation. It has developed some options for the future system and for how the complex issues around funding might be taken forward, identifying a set of practical actions that organisations can take to reduce or prevent the need for intensive remediation or crisis management.
Engaging your staff during periods of change. Engaging staff during a period of major change is challenge for NHS organisations. This quick guide from NHS Employers offers some tips and techniques that may be helpful.
A call to action - One year on - Health visitor implementation progress report. In October 2010, the government set out its vision for the future of health visiting - including a commitment to increase the workforce by 4,200 by 2015, and a new service model for the profession. This report captures progress on these commitments and describes planned, next-stage activities.
Improving the quality of medical training. The GMC is consulting on proposed new arrangements for the recognition and approval of medical trainers in a consultation.
Implementing the Equality Act 2010: interim guidance for the NHS. The Equality Act includes specific deadlines that all public bodies are legally required to meet. NHS Employers has published interim guidance to support NHS organisations with this. The guidance signposts the best advice and answers the most popular questions asked in relation to employer responsibilities.
Bevan Brittan Updates
employees claim contractual damages for the manner of their
dismissal? The Supreme Court has finally handed down its
reserved judgment in the much anticipated case Edwards v
Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Botham (FC) v
Ministry of Defence which was heard in June this year.
Update on the employment reforms. On 23 November, Business Secretary Vince Cable gave a speech at the Engineering Employers' Federation in London outlining the government's plans for reform of employment legislation and practices. This announcement coincided with the publication of the government’s written response to the Resolving Workplace Disputes consultation, containing further details of many of the proposals and "calls for evidence". Following our article last month which detailed many of these reforms John Moore takes another look at some of the key announcements and analyses what we and the employment market in general, have made of them.
News Round Up . James Gutteridge reports on the latest
employment news: how to prepare for the arrival of winter weather;
an update on auto-enrolment of pension schemes; and a couple of
interesting case updates.
If you wish to discuss any of the items raised in this section
please contact Julian
Hoskins or
Sarah Michael.
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The quarter, quarter 2 2011/12. David Flory’s
report for the second quarter July to September 2011/12 provides a
summary of the NHS financial position and performance against the
national priorities set out in the NHS Operating Framework 2011/12.
The report shows that the NHS has continued to perform strongly
against the requirements of the NHS Operating Framework 2011/12 and
has made good progress in beginning to make the savings and system
transformation required to deliver the quality, innovation,
productivity and prevention (QIPP) and reform challenge.
Joining up health and social care - Improving value for money across the interface. At a time when the whole of the public sector must find significant savings, this report from the Audit Commission says that integrated working across health and social care offers opportunities for efficiencies and improvements to services. Without it, there is a risk of duplication and ‘cost-shunting’ where savings made by one organisation or sector create costs for others. And a lack of integrated working means that people are less likely to receive the best care. But the briefing also finds that the NHS and councils have made patchy progress in improving this joint working across health and social care. The briefing offers guidance to local partnerships, setting out a list of questions to consider, and suggestions for interventions that might help. Case studies show how some areas have embraced partnership working and used local data and benchmarking to establish how and where to make improvements. NHS and social care partnerships can benchmark their performance against others by using the tool that accompanies the briefing.
Guidance on implementing the Overseas Visitors Hospital Charging Regulations. The guidance has been updated to advise NHS bodies how, and under what circumstances, they can share data concerning outstanding overseas visitor payments for NHS hospital treatment.
Public bodies and competition law - A guide to the Competition Act 1998. Public bodies must comply with the UK and EU competition law prohibitions on anti-competitive agreements and abuse of a dominant position if and when they engage in 'economic activity', as opposed to carrying out non-economic, wholly social functions or exercising public powers. This guide provides a high level outline of the circumstances in which public bodies' activities will be 'economic activities' subject to the UK and EU competition law.
NHS quality accounts 2010/11 - providing external
assurance: findings from auditors' work at NHS trusts and
foundation trusts. This briefing summarises findings from
appointed auditors' reviews of quality accounts at 91 NHS acute and
mental health trusts. It also summarises the Audit Commission's
Audit Practice reviews of quality reports at 52 (out of 136)
foundation trusts. The aim of this report is to help providers
improve their quality accounts and support auditors in reviewing
the arrangements that underpin their production.
If you require further information about any of the items
raised in this section please contact
David Owens.
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Foundation Trusts
Achievement of foundation trust status by NHS
hospital trusts. This report from the Commons Public Accounts
Committee critically examines the responsibility for dealing with
the huge challenge of achieving FT status, and what is being done
to protect taxpayers and patients when trusts need external help.
The Committee finds that creating a national network of hospital
trusts which are autonomous and financially viable presents hugely
difficult challenges. It remains unclear whether all the problems
trusts have highlighted can be resolved. Making all trusts viable
will involve reconfiguration of some services, including through
mergers. Where changes are proposed, trusts will need to
demonstrate how merging organisations will create healthcare
benefits to local communities while addressing the root causes of
the financial problems that exist. The Committee is particularly
alarmed that the healthcare system in London has been allowed to
deteriorate despite its problems having been known about for many
years. It states that strong leadership is urgently needed if those
trusts facing clinical and financial difficulties are to meet the
challenge of achieving foundation status.
An additional challenge is the cost of private finance schemes -
the Department has identified six trusts that are unviable largely
because of their PFI charges. Long term PFI deals reduce the
Department's ability to establish a level playing field of
financially sustainable, autonomous trusts. In many cases
efficiency savings alone will not be enough to make unviable trusts
financially sustainable. The Department faces a particular dilemma
about how to manage the debt of these hospitals as their long term
financial commitments make reconfiguration more difficult.
Board governance assurance framework for aspirant
foundation trusts. The DH has published guidance to help
aspirant foundation trusts develop strong and sustainable
governance. A key part of achieving FT authorisation is passing a
rigorous assessment of their board capability and capacity by
Monitor, the FT regulator. To support aspiring FTs to meet this
competency, the DH has developed a mandatory board governance
assurance framework in partnership with existing FTs and other
stakeholders. In the past, around half of all NHS trusts whose FT
application was deferred during the authorisation process was
because of a failure of governance, meaning that there were issues
with capacity and capability of the board.
The Board Governance Assurance Framework has two key stages:
the board governance memorandum (BGM) – a
mandatory process where boards self-assess their current capacity
and capability, which is supported by appropriate evidence by using
the board governance memorandum – submission document and then
externally validated by an independent supplier
the development modules – where
boards can opt to gain a deeper level of assurance into the
specific areas of quality governance, organisational strategy and
values and financial governance.
Quality Assurance Department review of the 2010/11
audits of foundation trusts. The Audit Code for NHS Foundation
Trusts makes provision for the review of the work of auditors of
foundation trusts. Monitor commissioned the Quality Assurance
Department of the Institute of Chartered Accountants to undertake
reviews on their behalf of the work of auditors in respect of nine
audits of trust accounts for the year or period to 31 March
Bevan Brittan Updates
consults further...stakeholders engage! On 17 November
2011 we produced a flyer entitled "Glimpses of the Future? Monitor Reveals Proposed
Licensing Regime" which set out that Monitor had started
to prepare for its new role, as regulator of NHS healthcare
providers, in anticipation of the Health and Social Care Bill (the
"Bill") becoming law.
If you require further information about any of the items raised in this section please contact Vincent Buscemi.
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Good governance for clinical commissioning groups:
an introductory guide. This guide to good governance for
clinical commissioning groups aims to help them take their first
steps towards authorisation.
Building the NHS Trust Development Authority.
From April 2013 the NHS Trust Development Authority (NTDA) will
provide governance and oversight of NHS trusts, supporting them to
NHS foundation trust status. This document explains the purpose of
the NTDA as a special health authority, its process, its people and
its relationships with other parts of the NHS.
If you require further information about any of the items
raised in this section please contact Vincent
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Healthcare Associated Infection
Publications/Guidance Back to top
Prevention and control of healthcare-associated
infections quality improvement guide. NICE, in partnership with
the HPA, have developed this quality improvement guide. It offers
advice on management or organisational actions to prevent and
control healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) in secondary care
settings. The guide is aimed at board members working in (or with)
secondary care. It helps build on advice given in the Code of
Practice on Preventing and Controlling Infections and elsewhere to
improve the quality of care and practice in these areas over and
above current standards. Taken together, the quality improvement
statements contained in this guide describe excellence in care and
practice to prevent and control HCAIs. Examples of evidence and
other data to demonstrate progress against each statement are
Information Law
Guidance on implementing the Overseas Visitors
Hospital Charging Regulations. The guidance has been updated to
advise NHS bodies how, and under what circumstances, they can share
data concerning outstanding overseas visitor payments for NHS
hospital treatment.
If you wish to discuss any of the items raised in this section please contact James Cassidy.
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Charter for current coroner services. In its
response to the May 2011 consultation on "The Draft Charter for the
Current Coroner Service", the Ministry of Justice summarises the
responses received, including how the consultation process will
influence the redrafting of the Charter. It also announces that the
final version of the combined guide and charter will be published
in 2012.
If you wish to discuss any of the items raised in this section
please contact Joanna
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Mental Health
Bevan Brittan Training
Brittan’s annual mental health seminars will be taking place
on 28th February in Birmingham and 14th March in
London. Both sessions will
start at 09:30 and finish at 1pm.
The speakers will be:-
Paul Barber, Consultant in Mental
Health Law and former Partner at Bevan
Phil Fennell, Professor of Law at
Cardiff Law School
Amy Street, Barrister at 3 Serjeants
Laura Davidson, Barrister at No 5
Dr Bill Cutter, Consultant in old age
Jo Easterbrook, Partner at Bevan
Brittan and Tribunal Judge
Simon Lindsay, Partner at Bevan
Topics to be covered will include:-
Recent mental health caselaw
Deprivation of liberty and current
issues in the DOLS scheme,
Assessing capacity,
Managing patients in the community
Tribunal practice and procedure.
If you would like to attend please contact Claire Bentley stating which venue you would like to attend. There is no charge for attending but places are limited.
Bevan Brittan Mental Health Extranet. Free resource for Bevan Brittan NHS clients. Bevan Brittan has a wealth of mental health knowledge it would like to share with NHS clients. We have therefore developed an online searchable extranet designed to bring various sources of mental health information and guidance into one place.
Bevan Brittan Mental Health Forum
There is
also a forum on the extranet for use by members to share knowledge
and information. If you would like information about how to
access the Bevan Brittan Mental Health Extranet
please email Claire Bentley by clicking here. Issues
currently being discussed are:-
Guidance for staff - Incapacitated patients refusal of treatment following self harm. Several of our members are interested in this topic area. If you would also be interested in Bevan Brittan guidance on this, do add your details to the post thread.
Observation policy. Discussion of what happens in practice in relation to the observation and monitoring of patients during the night. In addition, Hannah Taylor has produced a very useful update looking at whether your observation policy will stand up to scrutiny and the minimum requirements of such a policy.
When an urgent DOLs authorisation starts. - Does the process for extensions actually provide a safeguard?
user experience in adult mental health. Adult mental health
services should be improved to provide patient-centred care that
tackles the stigma associated with mental illness. The guidance,
together with a quality standard, comes on the back of
government calls to improve patient experience of using mental
health services.
Safeguarding adults at risk of harm: A legal guide
for practitioners. This guide was commissioned by the
Department of Health in response to requests from practitioners for
a comprehensive guide to the legal framework underpinning adult
safeguarding work. It aims to equip practitioners with information
about how to assist and safeguard people. Knowing about the legal
basis is fundamental because the law defines the extent and limits
of what can be done to help people and to enable people to keep
themselves safe.
Children and Young People’s Mental Health - recent
developments. This letter brings together information on a
number of recent developments to support delivery of improved
mental health outcomes for children and young people.
Building Partnerships, Staying Safe - the health
sector contribution to HM Government’s Prevent strategy. These
documents provide guidance and a toolkit for both healthcare
organisations and frontline healthcare workers working with
providing support and interventions for vulnerable individuals.
Board assurance prompt - safeguarding. This
briefing is targeted at organisations that have a responsibility
for safeguarding adults. It is intended to stimulate debate within
NHS Boards, Local Authority Safeguarding Adults Boards and other
public service partner boards.
The fourth year of the Independent Mental Capacity
Advocacy Service - 2011-2011 annual report. This is the fourth
annual report of the Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy Service,
which is an innovative statutory service provided by the voluntary
sector. It acts as an important safeguard for people who lack
Managing and supporting mental health at work –
disclosure tools for managers. This guide published by MIND and
the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) is
designed to help employers ensure that how they manage people
supports their mental wellbeing and resilience, and also encourage
more employees to talk about any mental health issues they may be
facing at an early stage.
All-Party Parliamentary Group on Dementia inquiry
into how to improve dementia diagnosis rates in the UK. 2012
Inquiry. The APPG has launched its next inquiry which will
focus on improving dementia diagnosis rates across the UK.
Currently we know only 43 per cent of people in the UK living with
dementia ever receive a formal diagnosis. This varies greatly
across England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland, but overall
we know little progress has been made towards improving diagnosis
rates over the last few years. An inquiry into this area will bring
together more evidence and understanding about the current problems
there are to improving diagnosis of dementia. It will also find
good practice examples where services have been helpful to people
with dementia getting an early diagnosis, and ensuring they have
proper information and support afterwards, so that these examples
can be shared. In this work the APPG on Dementia is seeking
evidence from people with dementia and their carers, health and
social care providers and practitioners, and key stakeholder
organisations and professional bodies.
Report of the national audit of dementia care in
general hospitals 2011. This audit has identified a need for
significant improvements in hospital ward environments, staff
training and the overall approach to care delivery for patients
with dementia. Although the majority of wards meet basic safety
requirements, it shows that many had not addressed simple measures
that could lessen the distress caused to dementia patients by an
unfamiliar and confusing hospital environment. It also reveals
deficiencies in staff training.
Developing an outcomes-based approach in mental
health. The Department of Health commissioned the Mental Health
Network to produce a report which would help set out a direction of
travel for developing an outcomes-based approach to improving
mental health. The report makes a number of recommendations for
Government, the NHS Commissioning Board and emerging clinical
commissioning groups. This briefing sets out the policy context for
outcomes in mental health and summarises the recommendations made
in the report, including the need to develop an implementation
framework in support of the mental health strategy, 'No health
without mental health'.
IAPT accreditation advice. Formal accreditation
procedures and standards are the primary means for ensuring the
IAPT workforce is capable of delivering NICE approved therapies
appropriately and effectively. This advice identifies the relevant
professional bodies involved in the accreditation of IAPT approved
therapies and summarises their accreditation requirements.
RCN lone working survey 2011. This survey finds that over 60 per cent of nurses working in the community have been subjected to abuse in the past two years. The RCN is calling on employers to do all they can to protect their nursing staff and is urging all lone working nurses to consider the risks and act with caution at all times.
SSJ v RB [2011] EWCA Civ 1608 (CA) . The Court of
Appeal has said that "a tribunal cannot rely on the patient's best
interests as a ground for ordering conditional discharge on terms
that involve a deprivation of liberty. This is more particularly so
if the detention would not be for the purpose of any treatment.
However, the position is to some degree mitigated by the fact that
the Secretary of State has powers of transfer in an appropriate
Re RK; RK v BCC [2011] EWCA Civ 1305 (CA). The Court of Appeal has
upheld the High Court's decision that the provision of
accommodation to a child (of any age) under s.20 of the Children
Act 1989 is not capable in principle of ever giving rise to a
deprivation of liberty within the terms of Art.5 ECHR. A detailed
summary is available in 39 Essex Street Newsletter December.
Re Neary; Hillingdon LBC v Neary [2011] EWHC 3522 (COP) (29 December 2011). The court summarises 5 Court of Protection decisions on costs in an appendix to the judgment and shows how the court has exercised its powers previously. Each application must be considered on its own merit. Departure from the general rule (that each party bear their own costs) is justified on the facts of this case. The approach taken by Hillingdon was unreasonable as a result of its disorganised decision-making, the lack of proper assessment of Steven’s best interests, its uncooperative attitude towards Mr Mark Neary, its delay in referring the matter to the court (thereby increasing costs), and its attempt to defend its actions to the end, both in court and in the media. Costs were ordered to be paid by Hillingdon on the standard basis from the date of issue to the conclusion of the main hearing (December to May). Payment between May and July was spent in co-operative efforts between the parties and did not attract a costs award. There was no order in relation to the costs of the press issues.
An independent investigation into the care and
treatment of service user Ms Z. December 2011. Ms Z stabbed and
killed her boyfriend, Mr Y, on 21 September 2007.
People with dementia short changed out of £100
million and must be better protected says Alzheimer's Society.
The charity estimates that up to 112,500 (15 per cent) people with
dementia have been victims of financial abuse such as cold calling,
scam mail, or mis-selling. Its new report 'Short changed:
Protecting people with dementia from financial abuse' calls for
people with the condition to be better protected. Visit www.alzheimers.org.uk/shortchanged
for more information.
Am I really free? Radio 4 programme on assessing
capacity and the way that mental disorders can affect capacity.
Broadcast on 22 December.
If you wish to discuss any of the items raised in the above section please contact Simon Lindsay.
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Primary Care
Integrated approach to planning and assurance
between DH and the NHS for 2012/13. This guide supports the
accountability arrangements that by the end of March 2012, all PCT
clusters should have an integrated plan as required in the NHS
Operating Framework 2012/13. It includes: the indicative planning
timetable; content of the submission; overview of the indicators
process; overview of the milestones process; overview of assurance
narrative and red, amber, green rating on each PCT cluster plan.
SHA cluster submissions on plans for 2012/13 are due in two stages:
the first submission due on 27 January 2012, with the final
submission due on 5 April 2012.
NHS allocations 2012/13. The Department of
Health allocates revenue funding to PCTs on the basis of the
relative needs of their populations and in line with pace of change
policy. The allocations for 2012/13 have now been published.
Keep it simple? Predicting primary health care
costs with measures of morbidity and multimorbidity. This paper
from the University of York investigates the relationship between
patients’ primary care costs (consultations, tests, drugs) and
their age, gender, deprivation and alternative measures of their
morbidity and multimorbidity. Such information is required in order
to set capitation fees or budgets for general practices to cover
their expenditure on providing primary care services. It is also
useful to examine whether practices’ expenditure decisions vary
equitably with patient characteristics.
NHS Atlas of Variation 2011. This publication highlights the amount each PCT spends on clinical services and links this with the health outcomes that patients see. Consisting of 71 maps, the Atlas will help commissioners learn from one other, consider the appropriateness of a service, and investigate when clinical health outcomes are not reflecting the financial investment that has been made.
If you wish to discuss any of the items raised in the above section please contact David Owens.
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The Care Quality Commission: Regulating the quality
and safety of health and adult social care. This report finds
that the Care Quality Commission had a difficult task in
establishing itself and has not so far achieved value for money in
regulating the quality and safety of health and adult social care
in England.
R (X) v General Medical Council [2011] EWHC 3271 (Admin)
(Admin Ct). The court granted X's application for judicial
review of the GMC's Fitness to Practise Panel's decision that X's
application for voluntary erasure from the medical register should
be heard in public. X had applied for voluntary erasure on the
basis that he was suffering from severe depression and his
condition was not likely to be resolved in the near future. The
court held that although there was a public interest in the public
knowing that there was a legitimate reason for the grant of a
voluntary erasure application, it did not follow that this public
interest required the specific nature of the claimant's illness to
be disclosed. The court quashed that part of the Panel's decision
that ordered that there should be reference to X's "severe
depression not likely to be resolved in the near future" in public,
and remitted the issue of whether any reference to X's health
condition and prognosis should be made in public to the same Panel
for consideration.
Bevan Brittan Updates
consults further...stakeholders engage! On 17 November
2011 we produced a flyer entitled "Glimpses of the Future? Monitor Reveals Proposed
Licensing Regime" which set out that Monitor had started
to prepare for its new role, as regulator of NHS healthcare
providers, in anticipation of the Health and Social Care Bill (the
"Bill") becoming law.
If you wish to discuss any of the items raised in this section please contact Carlton Sadler.
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Working together to saves lives: The Organ Donation
Taskforce Implementation Programme’s Final Report, 2011. The
Organ Donation Taskforce was established in December 2006 to
identify barriers to organ donation and to recommend what action
should be taken to increase the numbers of organ donation. The
Taskforce made 14 recommendations in their first report Organs for
Transplants published in January 2008. This final report of the
Taskforce’s Programme Delivery Board records activity up to March
2011 in achieving the 14 recommendations in the 2008 report. It
also records progress made towards the Taskforce’s challenge to
increase organ donation by at least 50% by 2013.
Organ donation for transplantation: improving donor
identification and consent rates for deceased organ donation.
NICE has published a new guideline on improving donor
identification and consent rates for deceased organ donation. NICE
recommends that organ donation should be considered as a usual part
of end- of-life care planning, and that each hospital should have a
policy and protocol, consistent with these recommendations, for
identifying potential donors and managing the consent process. The
guideline also recommends that in all cases those close to the
patient should be approached in a professional, compassionate and
caring manner and be given sufficient time to consider the
information they have been offered.
The future of the London Ambulance Service: A
strategic review. This report from the London Assembly's Health
and Public Services Committee discusses how the London Ambulance
Service (LAS) can cope with growing demand at a time of budget
cuts. The Committee finds that the LAS should look at ways to work
more closely with the capital’s police, fire and transport
organisations in order to find efficiencies, while remaining firmly
embedded in the NHS.
Raising a concern with CQC: a quick guide for health and care staff about whistleblowing. This guide has been written for health and care professionals that need to raise a concern about their workplace. It gives advice on speaking out about poor care and what protection you will have from the law if you do.
NHS outcomes framework indicators - Autumn
2011. The NHS outcomes framework indicators form part of the
NHS Outcomes Framework, which is intended to provide national level
accountability for the outcomes the NHS delivers, and drive
transparency, quality improvement and outcome measurement
throughout the NHS.
See also the Technical guidance for the 2012/13 Operating
Framework which lists all the indicators against which the NHS
will be accountable nationally during 2012/13. It provides a
detailed definition of each indicator, including how the indicator
is measured, monitored, any planning requirements and how
performance will be judged.
The ethics of sustainable health and social care: towards a framework for decision-making. This report examines the ethical challenges potentially posed by factoring environmental outcomes into different levels of health and social care decision-making, including resource allocation and treatments. The environmental and climate change ethics literatures are considered in conjunction with health and social care ethical principles in order to inform the development of a new sustainable health and social care ethical framework.
New arrangements for provision of Health Care Chaplaincy Appointment Advisers. This letter explains about the new arrangements that will come into effect from 3 January 2012, for advising on the appointment of Health Care Chaplains in England.
Improving outcomes: a strategy for cancer annual report 2011. This first annual report highlights the progress on implementation of the strategy and on improving cancer outcomes. It outlines the progress made this year in developing new structures which will deliver the improved outcomes, and more immediate achievements. The report notes that there are still many challenges in terms of achieving the quality of cancer services and outcomes that the strategy set out to deliver.
NHS Outcomes Framework 2012/13. Sets out the
changes that have been made to the indicators in the NHS Outcomes
Framework. The Framework is designed to help NHS organisations to
start to think through what to focus on outcomes means in practical
See also the At a Glance chart of the overarching indicators
and improvement areas.
Improving health and health care in London - Who
will take the lead? This paper reviews the progress made in
improving health and health care in London in recent years and
analyses the financial and service challenges facing the NHS now
and in the future. It argues that although some progress has been
made in improving care following Lord Darzi’s review of London’s
health services published in 2007, much remains to be done and
London is at risk of operating within a strategic vacuum following
the abolition of London's SHAs by April 2013. This report suggests
there needs to be much greater clarity of roles and
responsibilities within the reformed structure to avoid ambiguity
and confusion.
Palliative care funding pilots 2012-14 -
Expressions of interest. The DH is seeking to set up a number
of pilot sites to gather the information needed to inform decisions
on the creation of a new funding system for palliative care, for
adults and children, and to consider the proposals of the
independent Palliative Care Funding Review Report. The report,
published in July, set out a series of recommendations designed to
create a fair and transparent funding system for palliative care,
which delivers better outcomes for patients and provides better
value for the NHS. It recommended that a number of pilots be set up
to collect data and refine its proposals due to the lack of good
quality data currently available. The pilot programme will begin in
April 2012. The deadline for submissions of interest is 31 January
2012, and successful pilots will be notified in March 2012.
The Commission on Assisted Dying. This report by Demos concludes that the current legal status of assisted suicide is inadequate and incoherent. It finds that while the current legal regime can be distressing for the people affected and their families, it is also unclear for health and social care staff, and lays a burden on police and prosecutors, which could be eased by a new statutory framework. A proposed legal framework for assisted dying is laid out in detail, including strict criteria to define who might be eligible to receive assistance and robust safeguards to prevent abuse of any new law.
PFI reform: Call for evidence. On 15 November
2011 the Chancellor announced the Government’s intention to reform
the Private Finance Initiative (PFI). The Government intends to
conduct a broad based engagement process and is now inviting all
interested parties to respond to a call for evidence on the reform
of PFI and to bring forward proposals for a new approach to using
the private sector in the delivery of public assets and services.
The deadline for responses is 10 February 2012.
NHS whistle-blowing helpline to be extended to
social care staff. Announces that the whistle-blowing helpline
for NHS staff is being extended to staff and employers in the
social care sector from 1 January. There is also a new helpline
number: 08000 724 725.
OFT provisionally decides to refer private healthcare
market to Competition Commission. The OFT has announced that it
has provisionally decided to refer the market for privately funded
healthcare services in the UK to the Competition Commission for
further investigation. In its market study, the OFT has
provisionally found a number of features that prevent, restrict or
distort competition in the £5bn UK private healthcare market.
"Private healthcare" includes the provision by privately funded
public providers (for example, by Private Patient Units of NHS
Trusts) as well as private providers. The OFT considers that the
statutory test for reference in s.131 of the Enterprise Act 2002 is
met, namely that there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that
there are features of this market that prevent, restrict or distort
competition in the UK. Comments on the market study and the
proposed reference should be submitted by 30 January 2012.
Creation of the Health Research Authority. Announces
that the Health Research Authority (HRA) launched on 1 December
2011 as a Special Health Authority, completing one of the key
commitments made by the Government in the Plan for Growth towards
rationalising and improving health research regulation. The HRA's
central purpose is to protect and promote the interests of patients
and the public in health research. It will cooperate with others to
combine and streamline the current approval system and promote
consistent, proportionate standards for compliance and inspection.
In doing so it will reduce the regulatory burden on research-active
businesses, universities and the NHS, and improve the efficiency
and robustness of decisions about research projects. In its initial
form, its core is the National Research Ethics Service; it has also
taken on the functions that were previously the responsibility of
the National Patient Safety Agency. In due course, it will perform
the Secretary of State’s function of approving the processing of
patient information for medical research.
New EU procurement thresholds from 1 January
2012. The new thresholds are: Works £4,348,350 (€5,000,000);
Services/Supplies for central government (inc NHS) £113,057
(€130,000); Services/Supplies for other bodies £173,934
Bevan Brittan Updates
Procurement Update - January 2012 . This update contains brief
details of recent key developments relevant to those involved in
procurement work.
Proposals for new Procurement Directives. On 20 December 2011 the European Commission published three new draft Procurement Directives which will replace the existing public sector and utilities Directives and will introduce a new Directive covering the procurement of works and service concessions. This article highlights ten key areas of change raised by the draft public sector Directive.
If you wish to discuss any of the items raised in this section please contact Claire Bentley.
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