Legal intelligence for professionals in health and social care
This Update contains brief details of recent Government publications, legislation, cases and other developments relevant to those involved in health and social care work, which have been published in the last month.
If you have been forwarded this update by a colleague and would like to receive it directly, please email Claire Bentley.
Care | Foundation Trusts |
Children | Information and Data Sharing |
Clinical Risk | Mental Health |
Commissioning | Primary Care |
Complaints | Public Health |
Employment/HR | Regulation |
Finance | General |
Stories from the present, lessons for the
future. The Patients Association has published its fourth
annual ‘Patient Stories’ report – a series of case studies
highlighting experiences of care. ‘Stories from the present,
lessons for the future’ catalogues 13 accounts from patients or
relatives who have experienced poor care in hospitals and care
homes around the country.
Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework 2013/14.
This Outcomes Framework (ASCOF) supports local authorities to rise
to the challenge of delivering the main White Paper priorities by
providing a clear focus for local priority setting and improvement,
and by strengthening the accountability of councils to local
people. It: describes the principles for the way in which the ASCOF
should be used, and its role in supporting local improvement;
provides a national commentary on adult social care outcomes in
2011/12 (the first year of the operation of the framework); sets
out the ASCOF for 2013-14; and provides a forward look for the
development of the ASCOF in future years.
It should be read alongside Improving health and care: the role of the outcomes
frameworks, which sets out in more detail how the frameworks
work together to support delivery of the Department’s vision for
health and social care.
End of life care facilitator competency
framework. This competency framework has been developed to
support high quality practice by encouraging and assisting end of
life care facilitators to continually review their learning and
practice. It provides a basis to support and improve the quality of
practice by encouraging and assisting learning, and enhancing
knowledge and skills.
A good death: the role of the local authority in
end of life care. In recent years the health sector has taken
the lead role in end of life care provision and the engagement of
local authorities has been more mixed. However, many local
authority services, such as social care and housing, are crucial
components when delivering high quality end of life care. This
report by the Local Government Information Unit (LGIU) looks at the
role of local authorities in this agenda and how councils can
develop their part in this important service provision.
Compassion in practice: nursing, midwifery and care staff - our vision and strategy. This three-year vision and strategy for nursing, midwifery and care staff aims to build the culture of compassionate care in all areas of practice. Actions include: recruiting, appraising and training staff according to values as well as technical skill; regularly reviewing organisational culture and evidence for staffing levels; doing more to assess patients’ experience; and helping staff make every contact count for improving health and wellbeing.
What about end of life care? Mapping England’s health and wellbeing boards’ vision for dying people. This report finds that although a number of Health and Wellbeing Boards have set out in their strategies how they will improve end of life care, for example by better identification of people who are dying and co-ordinating care and bereavement support, many have failed to do so. An accompanying toolkit aims to help various bodies and organisations to consider their vision for people approaching the end of life.
State of Care report 2011/2012. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has published a report which examines all care sectors and explores why some care services are not meeting CQC standards. The report found increasing pressures on care services, due to increased demand, were having a negative impact on the standard of care.
Market oversight in adult social care. This
consultation seeks views on policy proposals to strengthen
oversight of the social care market and new measures to protect
people who rely on care services in the event of provider failure.
The proposals look at what further measures are needed to
strengthen and clarify the responsibility of local authorities in
relation to care users in the event of the failure of a care
provider, and whether a targeted model of central oversight would
be appropriate and if so, what the elements of this model would be.
The closing date for comments is 1 March 2013.
If you wish to discuss any of the items raised in this section please contact Carlton Sadler.
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Funding allocations announced for new children’s
hospice 2012/13 grant. Announces details of the funding
allocations for the additional £721,000 made available for new
children’s hospices set up within the last 3 years.
Damning child protection report sparks fears of new 'get tough' approach.
If you wish to discuss any of the items raised in this section please contact Deborah Jeremiah or Penelope Radcliffe.
Clinical Risk
CNST and commercial alternatives - independent
briefing paper published 30 October 2012. An independent
analysis has been published by Marsh UK on the NHS Litigation
Authority and the commercial insurance market. Marsh has combined
its knowledge of the NHS LA and the commercial insurance market to
highlight the key differences and areas of analysis for any
foundation trust considering commercial alternatives. The paper
which has been produced by the consulting division of Marsh, looks
at coverage issues and financial costs, including the transitional
costs of leaving CNST. It sets out the key factors which should be
considered by foundation trusts to ensure that the right level of
protection is in place for the long-term at an efficient cost.
Marsh is a commercial insurance broker and risk advisor and was
appointed by the Department of Health in 2011 to conduct an
'industry review' of the NHS LA. The review was published by the
Department of Health in 2012 and found the risk pooling scheme to
be a valid concept which is widely accepted and endorsed. Its
stewardship and administration under the NHS LA was found to have
been effective.
The management of adult diabetes services in the NHS. The Commons Committee of Public Accounts has published a report on the management of adult diabetes services in the NHS, which highlights a number of issues in the provision of services for diabetics including a high rate of people developing complications from lack of basic support and care.
The 2012 Dr Foster Hospital Guide, containing performance metrics on every hospital trust in England, is now available. In addition to publishing traditional mortality indicators, this year’s Hospital Guide highlights information on the vital link between quality and efficiency. This year's guide demonstrates evidence of wide variations in hospital mortality rates, and calls for safer medicine and hospital care that consistently delivers good outcomes. Findings also show that many acute hospitals are often working at between 95 and 100% capacity, leaving patients at risk; infections becoming more difficult to control; orderly management of admission and discharge becoming strained; and the likelihood of mistakes occurring increasing. The guide suggests that many of the people currently in hospital beds could be treated in a more appropriate setting. It particularly highlights the number of frail elderly people finding themselves admitted to hospital because of lack of access to more relevant treatment.
Cancer patients in crisis: responding to urgent
needs. This report found that emergency admissions for patients
with cancer remain problematic despite the development of acute
oncology. It identifies the difficulties faced by the health
professionals who need to treat them promptly and effectively but
may not be familiar with cancer management. It also provides a
range of tools and suggestions for better treatment, across the
settings where this occurs from the community and general practice
to hospital acute care.
Acute care toolkit 5: teaching on the acute medical
unit. This toolkit helps clinicians and trainees ensure there
is a focus on quality education as well as delivering essential
care. It focuses on maximising opportunities for teaching and
learning, and includes technical tips and examples for weaving
teaching and learning into the daily work of an acute unit.
Policy+: what are the benefits and challenges of
‘bedside’ nursing handovers? This issue of Policy+ examines
different approaches to implementation, evidence of the benefits,
and challenges associated with bedside handover in acute hospital
Making connections with the challenges of
unscheduled care. This publication is the result of work with a
number of acute hospital sites to understand the complexity of
urgent and emergency care attendances, and admissions. It shares
the issues, the outcomes and identifies some tried and tested
solutions that can ease the burden of unscheduled care.
Implementing a ‘duty of candour’: a new contractual
requirement on providers - analysis of consultation responses.
This analysis examines responses to the consultation on proposals
to toughen transparency in NHS organisations and increase patient
confidence announced by Health Minister Dr Dan Poulter following a
public consultation. The Government’s proposal was for a
contractual requirement, implemented through the NHS Standard
Contract, covering NHS acute, ambulance, community and mental
health care providers. The contract would require these
organisations to be open with patients when things go wrong with
their healthcare and give them information about any investigations
that have taken place, or any lessons learned. The Government has
now announced that it will create regulations that require the NHS
Commissioning Board to include a contractual duty of openness in
all commissioning contracts from April 2013.
Management of hip fracture in adults. This
guidance aims to support the integrated commissioning of
high-quality, evidence-based services for people who have fractured
their hip. It provides advice on the commissioning of services for
people with fragility fracture of the hip or fracture of the hip
due to osteoporosis or osteopenia, including services for the
ongoing secondary prevention of further hip fracture/fragility
Free to choose? Reform and demand response in the English
National Health Service This paper uses a new model to estimate
whether the increased patient choice brought into effect by the NHS
reforms will increase demand on hospital services, looking
particularly at clinical quality and waiting times for surgical
procedures. It found that demand faced by hospitals increased
post-reform, giving hospitals potentially large incentives to
improve their quality of care. It also found that hospitals
responded strongly to the enhanced incentives due to increased
demand. Findings suggest that greater choice can enhance quality,
leading to significant reductions in mortality and an increase in
patient welfare.
Seven day consultant present care This report
brings together 20 colleges and faculties who have committed to the
recommendation that patients in hospital should be reviewed by a
consultant at least once every 24 hours, including weekends and
bank holidays, unless there are good reasons for them to not to
have a daily review. It outlines a series of areas for improvement
and highlights that it is unacceptable to not provide
consultant-led care at weekends if evidence suggests that this is
best for patients. It also calls for the NHS to ensure that
appropriate resources and adequate numbers of consultants are
provided to enable consultant-led care to be achieved, seven days a
Drug use disorders quality standard. This quality standard, covering adult drug misuse, highlights an integrated approach between the NHS, social services, local authorities and the voluntary sector as a fundamental part of quality care in order to deliver the best chance of recovery.
Surgeons under scrutiny. Radio 4 at 8pm on 6 December.
Matthew Hill looks at why surgeon Rob Jones, the obstetrician who
delivered the Prime Minister's child Florence in 2010, was able to
remain in practice for twenty years at the Royal Cornwall Hospitals
NHS Trust, despite being subject to eight inquiries into his
clinical competence. The Report speaks to NHS Medical Director Sir
Bruce Keogh, asking him what lessons can be learnt from this
Surgeon Ian Paterson faces inquiry over 1000 'unnecessary' breast operations.
Hunt orders review into OFSTED style ratings for
NHS and social care. The review will look at the way in which a
new ratings system could help end the ‘crisis in standards of care’
that exists in parts of the health and social care system. It will
look in particular at how information about services can be
communicated to the public and how this information can be used to
drive up standards across the system.
If you wish to discuss any of the items raised in this section
please contact Joanna
Lloyd or
Julie Chappell.
The Mandate: A mandate from the Government to the
NHS Commissioning Board April 2013 - March 2015. The Government
has published its Mandate to the NHS Commissioning Board that sets
out the objectives for the NHS and highlights the areas of health
and care where the Government expects to see improvements. It
focuses on five areas:
helping people live longer;
managing ongoing physical and mental
health conditions;
helping people recover from episodes
of ill health or following injury ;
making sure people experience better
care; and
providing safe care.
It is accompanied by Financial Directions to the NHS Commissioning
Board that set out certain additional and expenditure controls
to which the NHS Commissioning Board must adhere and the particular
uses of resources which must, or must not, be taken into account in
relation to each limit.
NHS Outcomes Framework 2013 to 2014 – focus on
measuring health outcomes. The DH has published the latest
version of the NHS Outcomes Framework that sets out the outcomes
and corresponding indicators that will be used to hold the NHS
Commissioning Board to account for improvements in health outcomes.
This latest version of the framework builds on the previous two
versions of the framework and contains measures to help the health
and care system to focus on measuring outcomes. It describes how
the NHS Outcomes Framework will work in the wider system, and
highlights the indicator changes since the December 2011 edition.
There is also a Technical Appendix containing detailed
information about each of the indicators in the framework.
Standards for board members and members of Clinical
Commissioning Group governing bodies in the NHS in England. The
Professional Standards Authority has published new standards for
members of NHS boards and CCG governing bodies in England. These
standards are aimed at supporting them to understand the extent of
their personal responsibility in making sure care, dignity and
respect are central to service delivery in their organisations. The
Standards cover three domains: personal behaviour; technical
competence; and business practices. They put compassion and respect
at the heart of NHS leadership.
Integrated ambulance commissioning in the new NHS. This briefing explains how ambulance commissioning currently works. it is aimed at clinical commissioners who may be new to this area. It is designed to support the efforts being made by the National Ambulance Commissioners Group (NACG), which is hosted by the NHS Confederation, to ensure that ambulance commissioning responsibilities are effectively transferred from PCTs to CCGs. New commissioners need to have a good understanding of the role and significance of ambulance commissioning if a safe and effective ambulance service is to be maintained as part of a high-quality urgent and emergency care system.
NHS continuing healthcare. This briefing outlines for commissioners and providers the challenges and opportunities they will need to consider as the responsibilities change for assessing eligibility for and commissioning CHC.
Exploring the early workings of emerging clinical
commissioning groups. This report presents the findings from a
study of developing CCGs in England which explored the early
experiences of emerging CCGs as they set themselves up as
pathfinders and moved towards authorisation, investigating the
factors that had affected their development and drawing out lessons
for the future.
Securing equity and excellence in commissioning
specialised services. The NHS CB has published a new Operating
Model for specialised services that sets out how a single, national
system will ensure patients are offered consistent, high quality
services across the country. The number of patients requiring
specialised services is small with services located in specialist
centres in major towns and cities across England. Concentrating
services to provide the same national standards of quality will
ensure that specialist staff can be more easily recruited and the
necessary levels of training maintained. The new Operating Model
and associated Commissioning Intentions mark a clear move away
from regional commissioning to a single national approach to both
commissioning and contracting.
Malnutrition matters: meeting quality standards in nutritional care - a toolkit for commissioners and providers in England This toolkit contains guidance for commissioners and providers on defining the relevant, measurable outcomes related to nutritional care within services in order to gain value for money, a summary of national nutritional care standards, recommendations and tools for assessment, development, education and training.
If you require further information about any of the items raised in this section please contact David Owens.
NHS complaints procedures in England - Commons Library
Standard Note. A House of Commons Library Standard Note
provides information on the NHS complaints procedures in
If you wish to discuss the item raised in this section please contact Julie Chappell.
Cost benefit and equality analysis for medical
revalidation. Medical revalidation commenced in December 2012
to strengthen the regulation of licensed doctors in the UK.
Revalidation is a five yearly process which gives doctors a clear
framework to reflect on and improve their quality of care, as well
as providing assurance to patients and the public that doctors are
keeping up to date and remain fit to practise.
Engaging your staff: the NHS staff engagement
resource. This toolkit contains a wide range of information
including: an introduction to staff engagement; practical working
examples; evidence on the benefits of an engaged workforce; and
access to a series of tools and resources. It is aimed at all staff
groups, from clinicians, HR managers and communications teams to
senior managers.
Frontline first: protecting services, improving
care. This report reviews the state of the NHS workforce as the
coalition government’s term reaches its halfway point. It finds
that nursing is suffering from cuts while other professions are
increasing in numbers. It argues that these figures reveal a
looming crisis in nursing, as the demand for nursing care
increases. It cites the formation of Health Education England as an
opportunity to take a long-term approach to workforce planning and
secure the future supply of nursing staff.
Implementing health and well-being. This new
section of the NHS Employers website is intended to assist local
health and well-being leads implement health and well-being
strategies and plans by providing information, advice, guidance and
links to best practice in a number of key implementation areas.
These include: achieving board engagement; building the business
case for investing in health and well-being; developing and
implementing a health and well-being strategy; and developing
management competence in dealing with employee health and
Workforce planning tools. These tools were
commissioned by the Department of Health and are designed to help
employers effectively plan their healthcare science workforce.
Tools have been developed for three areas of the healthcare science
workforce; pathology, physiological sciences and physical science
and engineering. They are designed to be used by staff responsible
for collecting and analysing healthcare science workforce data to
support employers with the healthcare science modernisation agenda.
They will also provide employers with a method for analysing the
activity of the current healthcare science workforce and the
services provided.
Supporting apprentices in the workplace. This leaflet provides advice and information for RCN representatives supporting apprentices in the workplace, and identifies areas for concern, such as pay below the legal minimum, poor quality training and ‘pre-employment apprenticeships’ with no pay. It also defines an apprenticeship framework and looks at the employment of apprenticeships in health care among young workers and established older workers.
NHS whistleblowing procedures in England - Commons Library Standard Note. A House of Commons Library Standard Note sets out the current rights and procedures for NHS staff to raise concerns about safety, malpractice or wrong doing at work (popularly known as "whistleblowing").
Staff survey analysis toolkit. This tool aims to aid with analysis of staff survey results and also comparison with similar NHS organisations.
Consultation on amendments to the NHS pension
scheme regulations. A Department of Health consultation
seeks views on draft National Health Service Pension Scheme,
Additional Voluntary Contributions and Injury Benefits (Amendment)
Regulations. The Regulations will amend previous Regulations and,
inter alia, accommodate the new structure and function of NHS
administration that the Health and Social Care Act 2012 creates
from 1 April 2013, and apply increases to member contribution
rates. Comments by 12 February 2013.
Bevan Brittan Updates
Employment Eye - Political opinion as reason to dismiss. In
relation to an employee who was dismissed because he was elected a
local councilor for the BNP, the European Court of Human Rights has
decided that the UK Government has broken the European Convention
on Human Rights, because there of the lack of protection under UK
law for employees dismissed on the grounds of their political
beliefs or affiliation. This case is important for both private and
public sector employers; but has a more immediate impact on public
sector employers, because of the potential for public sector
employees to bring claims under the Human Rights Act. Anne Palmer
Employment Eye: A mineshaft and a legal minefield: the TUPE 'one-off event' exemption. The Employment Appeal Tribunal has, this month, provided the first precedent setting analysis of the exemption from TUPE for ‘single specific events or tasks of short term duration’. In this case, reported by Alec Bennett, the EAT looked at whether a one-year contract between a coach operator and a school, to transport school children, came within the exemption.
Employment Eye: News round-up. Jodie Sinclair and Laurie Child provide this month’s employment news round-up, including: details of the Government’s new ‘flexible parental leave’ proposals; the latest on the future of the ‘Fair Deal’ pension policy; proposed changes to Agenda for Change contracts; streamlining of dismissal procedures for senior Local Authority executives; and a summary of the new requirements for independent contractors to the NHS.
If you require further information about any of the items raised in this section please contact Julian Hoskins or James Gutteridge.
Personal Health Budgets discussion paper. This
discussion paper outlines the BMA's position on personal health
budgets and also reports on the findings of a survey of BMA
members. The survey asked for members' thoughts on the principles
behind personal health budgets, the likely impact on patients, and
the NHS and doctors' readiness for the introduction of personal
health budgets.
A simple guide to Payment by Results (PbR).
This guide provides an introduction for newcomers to PbR, from NHS
health professionals, managers and administrators, to people
engaged in academic study and interested members of the public both
in the UK and abroad. It replaces the version released in August
Improving birthing environments: Department of
Health capital fund programme 2012. This funding programme
invites bids from NHS providers for £25 million of capital in
2012-13 so that the birthing environment in maternity units can be
improved. Successful projects will have demonstrated involvement
and support from service users and the ability to deliver the
project in the current financial year. The deadline for
applications is midday on the 31st December 2012.
Evaluation of the personal health budget pilot programme. A report, commissioned by the Department of Health, evaluates the personal health budget programme, which aims to improve patient outcomes by placing patients at the centre of decisions about their care. The report finds that, under the programme: people's quality of life improved; if half of the people eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare chose to take the offer of a budget, this could mean a potential saving of around GBP 90 million; the amount of times people had to attend hospital decreased overall.
A decade of austerity? The funding pressures facing the NHS from 2010/11 to 2021/22. This report highlights the funding challenges facing the NHS and social care system in England over the next decade. It focuses on the portion of the total NHS budget in England that is currently spent by PCTs on commissioning services for the population of England, which makes up around 80% of the total budget for the NHS in England. It also examines funding pressures on social care services, and examines options for achieving the current QIPP challenge of £20 billion in productivity savings by 2014/15.
'How to: reduce expenditure on medical locums' guide. Despite a general trend across the NHS toward a reduction in the number and use of temporary and agency staff, the number of medical locums being used by NHS trusts is increasing, as is the overall cost. Recent estimates suggest that 50% of expenditure on agency staff in the NHS is spent on medical locums and that these costs are continuing to rise.
Achieving savings from high cost drugs. This report sets out how commissioners and providers of NHS services can work together to achieve savings in the use of high cost drugs.
£25 million to improve maternity wards and more
help for mums and babies. Announces a new £25m fund to improve
birthing environments. Maternity services will be able to apply for
new funds to improve their maternity environments, such as en suite
facilities, rooms where partners can stay overnight or a wider
range of facilities available like birthing pools, this enabling
women to able to give birth with more dignity and in more comfort.
As a further boost to new parents, the NHS Information Service for
Parents is being expanded to cover older babies up to six months
old and by April 2013 will be further expanded to cover children up
to 18 months of age.
If you require further information about any of the items raised in this section please contact David Owens.
Foundation TrustsBevan Brittan Articles
The Mid-Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry – staff
recruitment, standards, and engagement. Robert Francis QC’s
report into the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public
Inquiry ('the Inquiry') is due to be issued to the Secretary of
State in January 2013. The features of good governance which
will emerge from the Inquiry are likely to provide valuable
learning beyond the NHS and across the entire health and social
care sector.
If you require further information about any of the items raised in this section please contact Vincent Buscemi.
Information and Data Sharing
Delegating record keeping and countersigning
records: guidance for nursing staff This guidance draws on the
Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) code to clarify issues of
delegating record keeping and countersigning records for nursing
staff and employers.
If you wish to discuss any of the items raised in this section please contact Jane Bennett.
Mental Health
Bevan Brittan Mental Health Extranet.
This is a free resource for Bevan Brittan NHS clients. Bevan
Brittan has a wealth of mental health knowledge it would like to
share with NHS clients. We have therefore developed an online
searchable extranet designed to bring various sources of mental
health information and guidance into one place.
The extranet also contains a forum for use by members to share
knowledge and information. Forum issues currently being discussed
Ban on age discrimination - Claire Bentley and Simon
Lindsay have included in this series of posts a knowledge note on
the Equality Act, age discrimination and the impact on the NHS.
Funding aftercare - Simon Lindsay has included a
knowledge note in this post on the case of R (Sunderland City
Council) –v- South Tyneside Council [2012] EWCA 1232. The
Court of Appeal looked at which of the 2 authorities was
responsible for funding aftercare under s.117 of the Mental Health
Act 1983 and the meaning of the word “residence" and how that
defines which body pays. Simon reviews what the Court of Appeal
decided and the criteria to apply.
s136 and under 18s - Guidance and standards
Consent forms for admission to hospital
If you would like information about how to access the Bevan Brittan Mental Health Extranet please email Claire Bentley by clicking here.
Training - If you would like to know about our lunch time training sessions just ask Claire Bentley. You can attend in our London, Bristol or Birmingham office.
Equally accessible? making mental health services
more accessible for learning disabled or autistic people.
People with learning disabilities or autism deserve equal access to
mental health services and good treatment, but they currently
receive variable treatment across England reports the NHS
Isle of Wight Council criticised for withdrawing
support for child with mental health difficulties. Local
Government Ombudsman, Dr Jane Martin, has found the Isle of Wight
Council wrongly withdrew social services support from a child in
need, leading to cancellation of a residential school
The abandoned illness. This report is the
result of a year-long inquiry into the delivery of care for
patients affected by schizophrenia and psychosis. Recommendations
include: a radical overhaul of poor acute care units, including
better use of alternatives to manage the transition between
hospital and community services; greater partnership and shared
decision making with service users; extending general practitioner
training in mental illness to improve support for those with
psychosis managed through primary care; extending the 'Early
Intervention for Psychosis' services rather than cutting or
diluting them; action to address inequalities and meet the needs of
disadvantaged groups; and greater use of personal budgets,
particularly for those with long-term care needs.
With money in mind: the benefits of liaison
psychiatry. Liaison psychiatry services are increasingly seen
as an essential component of effective care in acute hospitals.
Their clinical effectiveness has been well documented, but little
has been known up until now about their potential economic impact.
This briefing outlines the benefits that the Birmingham RAID
liaison psychiatry service has brought in terms of cost savings and
improved health and well-being for patients. It will be of
particular interest to all those who commission and provide acute
hospital and mental health services.
Mental Health (Discrimination) (No. 2) Bill:
Committee Stage Report - Commons Library Standard Note. A House
of Commons Library Standard Note sets out information for the
Report Stage of the Mental Health (Discrimination) (No.2) Bill on
30 November 2012. The Bill is intended to reduce the stigma and
negative perceptions associated with mental illness.
Miss G - Independent Multi-agency Review Report.. An
Independent Multi-agency Review Report in respect of Miss G (Hannah
Bonser), written by Professor Pat Cantrill, has been published. The
report says that no single agency owned Miss G's care and frequent
movements between agencies resulted in some fragmentation of the
care she received. The report concludes that there were missed
opportunities to work with Miss G more effectively and it makes 21
recommendations for organisations directly involved or interested
in her care. See BBC News report.
Children held in police cells under Mental Health Act.
Children as young as 11 were held in police cells in England and
Wales in 2011 because officers thought they were mentally ill, the
BBC has learned.
Patients with psychosis should be offered therapy. Clinical Commissioning Groups should commission services for people with schizophrenia and psychosis in line with NICE guidelines, including the use of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for psychosis, say experts. Currently, just one in ten people who could benefit from the therapy have access to it, despite being approved by NICE. At the same time, almost half of all practitioners, people using mental health services and their families say that CBT is the most important intervention alongside the use of medication. The findings come from an independent inquiry into the standard of care for people with schizophrenia in England published by The Schizophrenia Commission - which was set up by the charity Rethink Mental Illness.
If you wish to discuss any of the items raised in the above section please contact Simon Lindsay.
Primary Care
TARGET antibiotics toolkit. This toolkit aims to help
clinicians and commissioners use antibiotics responsibly and meet
CQC requirements. It has been developed by the RCGP and The
Antimicrobial Stewardship in Primary Care (ASPIC) collaboration of
professional societies including GPs, pharmacists, microbiologists,
clinicians, guidance developers and other stakeholders. It
includes: the HPA antibiotic guidance template which can be
modified locally; patient information leaflets; self assessment
check list for GPs and commissioners; audit tools with indicators
of responsible antimicrobial use; and links to online clinical
modules and other useful resources.
Find your 1%: helping GPs to support people to live
and die well. This resource pack has been developed to be a
practical tool to help GPs identify those patients who may be in
their last year of life and talk to them about their preferences.
It contains information on: identifying people at the end of life;
having end of life care conversations; putting plans in place;
managing and co-ordinating care; and space for GPs to include local
information such as the telephone numbers of hospices, palliative
care teams and pharmacies which stock palliative care drugs.
Good practice guidance for PCT decision making
processes on drugs and treatments: equality analysis. The NHS
Constitution includes a right for patients to expect local
decisions on funding of other drugs and treatments to be made
rationally following a proper consideration of the evidence. This
equality analysis accompanies the establishment of this NHS
Constitution Right in the standing rules regulations.
Securing excellence in GP IT services: operating
model This document explains how the management of IT systems
for GP practices will be organised from April 2013. It enables CCGs
to make decisions to suit particular local requirements, ensuring
information and technology supports clinical commissioning to
improve health outcomes for patients. Procurement of GP clinical
systems through the GP Systems of Choice scheme and local service
providers, or any national systems, will continue to be supported
If you wish to discuss any of the items raised in the above section please contact David Owens.
Public Health
Public health functions to be exercised by the NHS
Commissioning Board. The NHS CB and the DH have published their
detailed agreement showing how the NHS CB will drive improvements
in the health of England’s population through its commissioning of
certain public health services. The agreement sets out the outcomes
to be achieved in exercising these public health functions and
provides ring fenced funding for the NHS CB to commission public
health services.
Public Health Outcomes Framework - technical refresh. This technical refresh of the framework is the fulfilment of the promise to continue improving the range and quality of information in the framework. The update looks specifically at the part of the framework entitled Improving outcomes and supporting transparency. It should be read alongside Improving health and care: the role of the outcomes frameworks, which sets out in more detail how the frameworks work together to support delivery of the Department’s vision for health and social care. It has also published an interactive Public Health Outcomes Framework Data Tool with the first set of baselines, which will allow local authorities to assess their own outcomes against the various indicators.
Implementing NICE public health guidance for the
workplace: overcoming barriers and sharing success. An audit
into trust implementation of NICE public health guidance for the
workplace found that 44% had an overarching strategy for staff
health and wellbeing. This report calls for board level lead in
every NHS trust to take proactive responsibility for staff health
improvement and wellbeing.
Public Health England (PHE) people transition policy
module 2 This module sets out the agreed framework for the
terms and conditions for those transferring into PHE and for new
staff appointed to PHE after the 1st April 2013.
New professional body for health visitors. A
new Institute of Health Visiting (IHV) has been established as a UK
centre of excellence to support the development of consistently
high-quality health visiting practice. The aim of the IHV is to
raise standards in health visiting practice, and help improve
public health outcomes for all children, families and communities.
The IHV is not a regulatory body or a trade union – the Nursing and
Midwifery Council will maintain its role as the regulator for
health visitors.
IAPT three-year report: the first million
patients The IAPT programme is a large-scale initiative that
aims to increase significantly the availability of NICE-recommended
psychological treatments for depression and anxiety disorders
within NHS commissioned services in England. This report details
the origins of the programme and highlights progress and successes
after the first three full financial years of roll-out. It also
outlines future requirements, particularly in meeting the financial
commitments to 2015 in the Spending Review 2010 and political
commitments outlined in the Coalition Agreement and other
documents, together with plans to meet them.
If you wish to discuss any of the items raised in the above section please contact Olwen Dutton. Back to top
2012 accountability hearing with the General
Medical Council. The Health Committee has published the report
of its 2012 Accountability Hearing with the General Medical
Council, in which it criticises the revalidation requirement which
asks doctors to seek feedback from their patients every five years
as not being challenging enough.
Care homes sector – enforcement of regulation.
BIS is consulting with the adult care homes sector on how the
enforcement of regulation can be improved. The Focus on Enforcement
consultation is part of an initiative to drive up standards and
enable providers to achieve the highest standards of care, while
removing confusing bureaucratic requirements that divert carers
from meeting the needs of residents. It focuses on the way
regulation is delivered and compliance is achieved. The closing
date for comments is 18 December 2012.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has issued two
warnings requiring Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust to make immediate improvements. Serious
concerns were raised following unannounced inspections on 3
November in response to a number of serious incidents involving the
care of children. The CQC has ordered an independent investigation
be held into the paediatric services provided.
Hunt orders review into OFSTED style ratings for NHS and social care. The review will look at the way in which a new ratings system could help end the ‘crisis in standards of care’ that exists in parts of the health and social care system. It will look in particular at how information about services can be communicated to the public and how this information can be used to drive up standards across the system.
If you wish to discuss any of the items raised in this section please contact Carlton Sadler.
Strategic clinical networks: single operating
framework. This framework aims to strengthen continuity of care
across a wide spectrum of health conditions. The new model set to
be in place by April 2013 brings together management support and
clinical leadership for mental health, dementia, neurological
conditions, maternity and children, cancer and cardiovascular
services. This will contribute to the overarching purpose of the
clinical networks, which is for clinicians to gather and share
insight into treating complex conditions, and offer treatment
across a number of settings.
Choosing the place of care: the effect of patient choice on treatment location in England, 2003-2011. This report by the Institute for Fiscal Studies, commissioned by the Nuffield Trust, examines the effect of patient choice and the independent sector on treatment location in England. it considers the extent to which patients or their referring doctors have been choosing a different location of care since 2006. It is the first output from a three-year joint programme of work between the IFS and the Nuffield Trust on "understanding competition and choice in the NHS", which will establish long-term expertise in the use of competition and market mechanisms in health care both in England and internationally.
Update on launch of NHS Property Services Ltd.
The Chief Executive of NHS Property Services Ltd, Simon Holden, has
written to NHS bodies with an update on progress in planning for
the launch of NHS Property Services Ltd in April 2013. Following
the close down of SHAs and PCTs, this new company will be set up to
maintain, manage and develop around 3,600 NHS facilities, from GP
practices to administrative buildings. The letter also provides
advice on what services are in and out of scope for NHS Property
Services Ltd and actions that must be taken to ensure all current
functions are picked up by the new system.
NHS 111 – Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED)
Analysis of Impact on Equality (AIE). This report considers the
impact of the transition from NHS Direct’s 0845 telephone service
to NHS 111. It also considers mitigation methods to address any
disproportionate impact and opportunities to maximise evidence
based 'positive action'. The Equality Act 2010 allows service
providers to take action that may involve treating one group more
favourably where this is a proportionate way to help members of
that group overcome a disadvantage, participate more fully, or meet
needs they have that are different from the population as a whole.
It was identified that individuals were more likely to have used
NHS 111 if they had a disability or limiting long term illness,
indicating that NHS 111 is reaching some groups of the population
with the greatest needs. Respondents were less likely to have used
NHS 111 if they were older or male. This is broadly in line with
NHS Direct's 0845 4647 telephone service and appears to be inherent
in telephone based health care.
Emergency planning in health care: scoping study of the international literature, local information resources and key stakeholders. This report seeks to identify the evidence requirements of the emergency planning community and expand the evidence base around emergency planning in UK healthcare. This includes major incidents, disease outbreaks and natural disasters. It aims to create a more consistent terminology in this area; to compare national models of emergency care; and to determine which interventions are most effective in dealing with emergencies.
Future trends overview. This overview
summarises some of the most significant trends and drivers that
will potentially affect health and social care services over the
next 20 years. It also discusses the implications of these in order
to provide an evidence base for future debate and thinking. It is
aimed at policy-makers and health and social care leaders engaging
in long-term, strategic thinking about how services need to
The impact of the Marie Curie Nursing Service on
place of death and hospital use at the end of life. This report
sets out the results of a study, commissioned by Marie Curie Cancer
Care, examining the impact of the Marie Curie home-based nursing
service on patient outcomes and hospital usage. It examines whether
the home-based nursing service helps more people to die at home,
reducing both hospital use and costs at the end of life.
Care UK buys Harmoni, the firm that beat it to NHS
phonelines. The Guardian reports that Harmoni, the biggest
provider of the new NHS 111 telephone helpline, has been bought by
Care UK. The helpline is set to replace NHS Direct from April
Health Red Tape Challenge launched. The DH is
inviting the public to give their ideas on how to remove excessive
burdens and reduce bureaucracy across the health and social care
sector, to give health professionals more time to care for
patients. The initiative is part of the Red Tape Challenge, the
Government’s drive to reduce unnecessary regulation. The Healthy
Living and Social Care theme will be live on the Red Tape Challenge website until 11 December
Improving health and care: the role of the Outcomes Frameworks. Sets out how the three Outcomes Frameworks - Adult Social Care, the NHS and Public Health - work together to achieve the desired outcomes for the health and care system. It explains the principles behind the outcomes frameworks, including: how they support quality improvement for individuals; how the three frameworks are aligned; the role of shared and complementary indicators; and how they will work together in practice to help the system address the challenges facing the health and care system.
Health policy under the Coalition Government: A mid-term assessment. This review by The King's Fund considers how the NHS is performing under the Coalition Government, following on from their major review of NHS performance from 1997 to 2010. It examines the policies introduced by the Coalition Government, assesses how far these will address current and emerging performance issues, and identifies further action needed. The report focuses on eight key aspects of health care: access; patient safety; promoting health; managing long-term conditions; clinical effectiveness; patient experience; equity; and efficiency. It addresses these against a backdrop of three significant areas of change: major reforms to the NHS; the drive to achieve £20bn of productivity savings by 2015 (the Nicholson challenge); and reduced spending on social services.
Chief Medical Officer: Annual report Vol.1: This first of two volumes of the Chief Medical Officer Professor Dame Sally Davies’s annual report provides a comprehensive picture of England’s health. It brings together a number of data sources in one place for the first time and is designed to be used by local authorities and local health professionals as they work together to improve the health of local populations.
NHS Outcomes Framework 2013/14 mind map. This mind map brings together on one page all the indicators for each of the five domains in the NHS Outcomes Framework 2013/14. It highlights the new additions for 2013/14 as well as the overarching indicators and is intended to provide an overview of the framework as a whole.
Death certification reform: A case study on the
potential impact on mortality statistics. In light of proposed
changes to the death certification process due to be implemented in
April 2014, an Office for National Statistics case study on medical
examiner scrutiny of death certificates found that in 78 per cent
of cases the underlying cause of death remained unchanged. The
changes will require the certified cause(s) of all deaths that are
not investigated by a coroner to be independently scrutinised and
confirmed by a locally appointed medical examiner.
Best practice tariffs and their impact. This
briefing from the Audit Commission sets out an assessment of how
best practice tariffs impact at a local level and how
implementation can be improved. It focuses on their influence on
day case surgery, fragility hip fractures and acute stroke. It
offers recommendations to both national tariff setters and the
local bodies they aim to incentivise.
MHRA seeks views on the regulation of medical
devices. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory
Agency (MHRA) has begun a consultation of proposals from the
European Commission on improving the regulation of medical devices.
The MHRA highlights particular proposals from the Commission and
makes its own suggestions for improvements. Feedback is requested
from the public, healthcare professionals and all interested
parties. The consultation closes on 21 January 2013.
Summary of consultation responses on the United Kingdom plan for rare diseases. The Department of Health has published a summary of the responses it received to its consultation on a 'UK plan for rare diseases'. All of the responses received to the consultation will be fed into the production of the final UK plan. The final UK plan is expected to be published by the end of 2013. Responses include those from clinicians, GPs, NHS commissioners, researchers, patient support groups, specialist organisations, the pharmaceutical industry, patients and carers.
The implementation of European Reference Networks (ERN) on the application of patients' rights in cross-border healthcare. The European Commission is consulting on the implementation of European Reference Networks (ERN) on the application of patients' rights in cross-border healthcare. The consultation closes on 24 January 2013.
Hospital "was wrong not to resuscitate dying
woman". A full hearing challenging the law on "Do Not
Resuscitate" orders will take place in February 2013 after the High
Court was told on 5 November 2012 that Janet Tracey died after the
orders were twice inserted into her medical notes without her or
her family's knowledge. Cambridge University Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust maintains the family were aware of the order. The
hearing will also consider the family's claim that the Secretary of
State for Health acted unlawfully in failing to set any clear
policy or national guidance.
Bevan Brittan Updates
Allerdale revisited – Beware of relying on your own default.
The Court of Appeal has recently handed down a significant judgment
in the case of Charles Terence Estates Ltd (CTE) v Cornwall Council
[2012] EWCA Civ 1439, which shows a further tightening of the scope
for public authorities to seek to rely on their own failings in
trying to avoid liabilities that they might otherwise be taken to
have agreed.
Hitting the target, missing the point, and losing the plot – A snapshot of the themes arising from the Mid Staffordshire Public Inquiry. There is much anticipation and expectation for Robert Francis QC’s report into the Mid Staffordshire Inquiry. The latest announcement of delay in the issuing of the report (which is now due in early January) means that it will not live up to its previous billing by the Health Service Journal as “the most important NHS event of 2012”, but it could well make it the headline act of 2013.
If you wish to discuss any of the items raised in this section please contact Claire Bentley.