Bevan Brittan provides high quality, comprehensive advice to the NHS and independent healthcare sector. This update contains brief details of recent Government publications, legislation, cases and other developments relevant to those involved in health and social care work, both in the NHS and independent sector which have been published in the last month.
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If someone forwarded you this email you can sign up for your own free copy here delivered directly to your inbox.
Bevan Brittan Free Training Events
Bevan Brittan Events
Patient Safety: Proactive and Reactive Seminars
21.01.20 - London
22.01.20 - Leeds
29.01.20 - Birmingham
Employment Law Update. We will be covering a broad range of relevant issues including working time (holiday pay and obligations to record time); IR35; cases on whistle blowing, disability discrimination, restrictive covenants and collective bargaining; ‘just culture’; and the latest on settled status applications.
Bristol - Tuesday 3 December
Birmingham - Wednesday 4 December
London - Wednesday 11 December
Leeds - Thursday 12 December
Healthcare Estates Breakfast Briefings - 4th December 2019 Leeds
Clinical Risk Webinars
Bevan Brittan Clinical Risk/Medical Law Training - These are internal hour long lunch time training sessions that are attended by our team of solicitors. If your organisation is a Bevan Brittan client you can sign up to watch the training sessions remotely via our webinar facility. The next session coming up is:-
An Uncomfortable Direction of Travel? - a consideration of recent trio of Supreme Court Deprivation of Liberty decisions and the fault lines in Article 5 they expose. 10 December 2019 12.30pm - 1.30pm.
If you would like to receive more information about the webinars just ask Claire Bentley.
Knowledge Transfer
Training. In addition to our free training programme for 2019, we also provide bespoke knowledge transfer sessions on a range of healthcare law topics. If you wish to discuss any queries you may have around training or webinars please contact Claire Bentley.
Liberty Protection Safeguards - If you are interested in being sent updates about this important area please contact Claire Bentley
Acute and emergency care
Publications and guidance
Urgent and emergency care survey. The CQC have published the findings of a survey of more than 50,000 people who received urgent and emergency care from services provided by 132 NHS trusts across England. The survey covers type 1 (A&E departments) and type 3 (urgent care centres or minor unjury units run directly by an NHS acute hospital trust) services. The majority of people were positive about most aspects of urgent or emergency care they received, however the results suggest there is scope for improvement in a number of areas, including:
• waiting times
• help from staff with pain control
• information provision when leaving A&E or the urgent care centre For more information, including results for individual trusts click here.
Clinically-led review of NHS access standards This progress report from the NHS National Medical Director sets out how each of the proposed new access standards in mental health services, cancer care, elective care and urgent and emergency care is being tested and the early learning.
EM-POWER: a practical guide to flexible working and good EM rota design This guide is written for emergency medicine clinicians and managers looking to improve the way they manage clinical rotas and improve retention, recruitment, flexible working, and job satisfaction.
RCEM: NHS in England needs over 4,000 extra beds this winter to avoid ‘corridor care’
Public back NHS plans for new rapid care measures. England’s top doctor has welcomed new polling showing that patients and the public support NHS proposals focussing on fast treatment for those who need it in A&E.
If you wish to discuss any queries you may have around acute and emergency care please contact Claire Bentley
Serious incident investigation report excerpt: Secretary of State case review into Beth An excerpt from a report looking at the care and management of Bethany, a Looked After Child (LAC).
The detention of young people with learning disabilities and/or autism MPs have condemned the “horrific reality”' of conditions and treatment under which many young people with learning disabilities and autism are detained in mental health hospitals.
Universal approaches to improving children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing: short descriptions of interventions identified from the synthesis of systematic reviews This report, and associated documents, summarises the evidence for the effectiveness of universal approaches to improving children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing. The documents are intended for strategic and operational leads, working on children and young people’s mental health.
If you wish to discuss any queries you may have around children please contact Deborah Jeremiah.
Clinical Risk
Sharp decline in district nursing workforce poses threat to patient safety. The UK’s district nurse workforce is under severe threat due to long-term underinvestment in training, education and skills, posing a direct threat to patient safety, warn the authors of a new, independent report, commissioned by the Queen’s Nursing Institute.
Clinically-led review of NHS access standards This progress report from the NHS National Medical Director sets out how each of the proposed new access standards in mental health services, cancer care, elective care and urgent and emergency care is being tested and the early learning.
The surgeon as an expert witness: a guide to good practice This guidance sets out the role a surgeon should play when acting as an expert witness in civil, criminal and coroners’ cases. The guidance comes after two independent reviews highlighted a need to improve the quality and consistency of expert witnesses in gross negligence manslaughter cases.
Standards of proficiency for midwives. A Nursing and Midwifery Council document setting out the standards of proficiency for midwives detail the knowledge, understanding and skills that must be demonstrated at the point of qualification, when caring for women, newborn infants, partners and families across all care settings. They reflect what the public can expect midwives to know and be able to do to provide safe, effective, respectful, kind, compassionate, person-centred care.
Standing up for patient and public safety, a report by the RCN setting out the impact of poor staffing levels on patient safety.
Memorandum of understanding between CQC and the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC).The MoU will see an established framework for the sharing of information where incidents of avoidable harm have occurred to people using health and social care services.
Interim payments - RXK (A Child proceeding by her mother & litigation friend GXK) v Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust [2019] EWHC 2751. This was a high-value clinical negligence claim. Where liability had been admitted but there was likely to be a significant delay before quantum could be determined, parties applying for interim payments on account of costs had to provide all the relevant information the court needed to enable it to take into account the factors in CPR r.44.2(4) and (5). The court set out a non-exhaustive list of considerations that such applications might need to address.
Secondary Victim - (1) Balbir Kaur Paul (On her own behalf & as administratrix of the estate of Parminder Singh Paul) (2) Saffron Olivia Kaur Paul (A child by her litigation friend Balbir Kaur Paul) (3) Mya Paul (A child by her litigation friend Balbir Kaur Paul) v Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust [2019] EWHC 2893 (QB) A claim by two daughters who had witnessed their father's death from a heart attack, over 14 months after the date on which the NHS trust had allegedly failed to diagnose a cardiac problem, was struck out. Before a secondary victim claim could be established, there had to be close proximity in space and time. There was no close proximity in space and time between the daughters witnessing their father's death and the defendant's alleged breach of duty.
Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital: Babies and mums died 'amid toxic culture.'
Huntington's disease: Woman who inherited gene sues NHS
Independent cosmetic surgery services - emerging concerns The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has reported that one in five beauty clinics is unsafe, with too many customers being treated by untrained staff. The CQC has taken enforcement action against 12 of the 58 clinics it licenses to carry out cosmetic surgery and has threatened to close clinics that performed unsafe procedures.
Bevan Brittan Events
Patient Safety: Proactive and Reactive Seminars
21.01.20 - London
22.01.20 - Leeds
29.01.20 - Birmingham
Bevan Brittan Webinars
Bevan Brittan Clinical Risk/Medical Law Training - These are internal hour long lunch time training sessions that are attended by our team of solicitors. If your organisation is a Bevan Brittan client, you can sign up to watch the training sessions remotely via our webinar facility. If you would like to receive more information about the webinars just ask Claire Bentley. The next session coming up is:-
- An Uncomfortable Direction of Travel? - a consideration of recent trio of Supreme Court Deprivation of Liberty decisions and the fault lines in Article 5 they expose. 10 December 2019 12.30pm - 1.30pm.
If you wish to discuss any clinical risk or patient safety issues please contact Joanna Lloyd or Penelope Radcliffe.
RightCare and Imperial Health College Partners have developed a high impact intervention tool to help commissioners to measure the value of identifying and treating patients with atrial fibrillation. The tool can help weigh the effectiveness of screening and treatment-based options. Health systems can use this tool to manage atrial fibrillation in their population to reduce the risk of strokes.
If you wish to discuss the issue of commissioning please contact David Owens
Digital Health
Raising staff awareness of the NHS App The NHS wants to encourage public sector staff to simplify their lives by using the NHS App.
Artificial intelligence: how to get it right - putting policy into practice for safe data-driven innovation in health and care This report is intended to provide a cohesive overview of the current state of play of data-driven technologies within the health and care system. It aims to make clear where in the system AI technologies can be utilised and the policy work that is being done, and will need to be done, to ensure this utilisation is done in a safe, effective and ethically acceptable manner.
NHSX report looks forward to AI NHSX, the technology unit formed by the Department of Health and Social Care has published an overview of the current state of play of data-driven technologies within the health and care system.
Digital health care: our position. Digital technologies bring many opportunities to improve people’s health and experiences of services, but realising their potential will require investment and thoughtful implementation.
New social media techniques used to boost cancer screening rates
If you wish to discuss any queries you may have around Digital Health please contact Daniel Morris.
EM-POWER: a practical guide to flexible working and good EM rota design This guide is written for emergency medicine clinicians and managers looking to improve the way they manage clinical rotas and improve retention, recruitment, flexible working, and job satisfaction.
The state of medical education and practice in the UK: the workforce report 2019 The GMC has published findings of a doctors’ survey to inform national workforce strategies.
Introduction of nursing associates - year 2: evaluation report This evaluation draws on three online surveys of trainee nursing associates (TNAs), which received 2,477 responses in total and 12 deep-dive enquiries. Line managers were also surveyed in the second year of the programme, with 531 responses received. It also draws on the analysis of key programme data, information from the regular TNA communities of practice events, and economic analysis of the programme and role.
Addressing your gender pay gap: a guide for employers NHS Employers and the Health and Care Women Leaders Network have launched a practical guide to support NHS employers with their gender pay gaps. It aims to help employers: report their annual gender pay gap figures; understand how to address the challenges; and develop an action plan to tackle the gap.
Caring for doctors, Caring for patients This report identifies a need to address the wellbeing of doctors faced with higher workloads, whose own health impacts on patient care. Recommendations include compassionate leadership models giving doctors more say over the culture of their workplaces, adopting minimum standards of food and rest facilities, and standardising rota designs that take account of workload and available staff.
Promoting staff equality in Northamptonshire Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT) have done some great work to improve equality within their workforce. This is making a real difference in the working environment and the quality of care they provide.
Whistleblowing disclosures report. The General Medical Council (GMC) has joined with seven other healthcare professional regulators to publish an annual report on whistleblowing disclosures. The report covers the 12 months from April 2018 to March 2019 and shows that the GMC received 35 whistleblowing disclosures during that period. This was an increase on the previous year when 23 concerns were raised.
Consultants' tax bills to be paid by NHS to avoid winter staffing crisis. Plans for the NHS to pay the tax bills of consultants, senior nurses and other clinical staff in order to avoid a staffing crisis over the winter period will come into effect today, despite reservations that it could violate purdah rules which expect controversial decisions to be refrained from in the run up to an election.
Bevan Brittan Events
Employment Law Update. We will be covering a broad range of relevant issues including working time (holiday pay and obligations to record time); IR35; cases on whistle blowing, disability discrimination, restrictive covenants and collective bargaining; ‘just culture’; and the latest on settled status applications.
Bristol - Tuesday 3 December
Birmingham - Wednesday 4 December
London - Wednesday 11 December
Leeds - Thursday 12 December
If you wish to discuss any employment issues generally please contact Jodie Sinclair, Alastair Currie or James Gutteridge.
Guidance on implementing the overseas visitor charging regulations. Department of Health and Social Care guidance sets out information for NHS bodies that need to make and recover hospital charges from overseas visitors. Focuses on the implementation of the National Health Service (Charges to Overseas Visitors) Regulations 2015, which have been amended most recently by the National Health Service (Charges to Overseas Visitors) (Amendment) Regulations 2017.
International comparisons of capital in health care: why is the UK falling behind? This analysis suggests that the UK is investing significantly less in health care capital – which includes buildings, equipment and IT – as a share of GDP compared with most other similar European countries. As a result, the total value of capital in health care in the UK has fallen.
If you wish to discuss any queries you may have around finance please contact Claire Bentley.
Information/data sharing
Guidance on patient access to records online NHS England and the General Practitioners Committee (GPC) of the BMA has published guidance to support GP practices to provide online access to patient records, subject to existing safeguards for vulnerable groups and technical considerations.
If you wish to discuss any queries you may have around information sharing/data please contact Claire Bentley.
The surgeon as an expert witness: a guide to good practice This guidance sets out the role a surgeon should play when acting as an expert witness in civil, criminal and coroners’ cases. The guidance comes after two independent reviews highlighted a need to improve the quality and consistency of expert witnesses in gross negligence manslaughter cases.
Memorandum of understanding between CQC and the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC).The MoU will see an established framework for the sharing of information where incidents of avoidable harm have occurred to people using health and social care services.
Notification of Deaths Regulations 2019 guidance A guidance to accompany the Notification of Deaths Regulations 2019
Coroner calls for new guidelines for chiropractors. The family of John Lawler, a retired bank manager who died after treatment by a chiropractor caused him to suffer a broken neck and spinal damage that left him a quadriplegic, have criticised the profession as Jonathan Heath, the coroner in the case, called for the General Chiropractic Council to consider compulsory first aid training for chiropractors and to introduce pre-treatment imaging to protect vulnerable patients. The coroner recorded a narrative conclusion that Mr Lawler died from respiratory depression.
Police lose right to be anonymous at inquest into death in custody. A court order permitting 16 police officers to be screened from public view during an inquest into the death of a black man who had been restrained at Huddersfield police station has been overturned by a judge in the latest dispute over anonymity involving officers at the Coroner's Court. Jefford J at the High Court concluded that the coroner had misdirected himself because he had failed to take into consideration sufficiently the interests of open justice.
Coroner rules that tech giants must disclose dead teenager's data. Senior Coroner Andrew Walker has ruled that Facebook-owned Instagram and WhatsApp, as well as Snapchat, must divulge any material they hold that could shed light on the death of 14-year-old Molly Russell, who was found dead by her family at her home in north London in 2017. The orders are thought to be the first of this type made against technology giants in a British inquest.
Bevan Brittan Updates
If you wish to discuss any queries you may have around inquests please contact Toby De Mellow.
Mental Health
Clinically-led review of NHS access standards. This progress report from the NHS National Medical Director sets out how each of the proposed new access standards in mental health services, cancer care, elective care and urgent and emergency care is being tested and the early learning.
People with learning disabilities in England Updates of national statistics about people with learning disabilities in England and the services and support available to them and their families.
Mental Capacity: Codes of Practice: Written question - HL7 In response to a written question asking when consultation on the code of practice issued under the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019 will commence, the Department of Health and Social Care states it plans to start public consultation in new year 2020 and that the code will be laid before both Houses ahead of the Liberty Protection Safeguards system coming into force.
Adult inpatient rates for September 2019 NHS England has published data on the number of adult inpatients with a learning disability, autism or both, in a hospital providing specialist mental or behavioural health care.
Mentally disordered offenders - the restricted patient system An HM Prison and Probation Service background briefing gives an overview of the restricted patient system in England and Wales, covering: types of restriction orders/directions; how the restricted patient system works in practice; entitlement to consideration before the Tribunal; discharge; conditional discharge; repatriation and transnational transfers within the UK; and victims.
The Designation and Management of High Profile Restricted Patients HM Prison and Probation Service guidance sets out what criteria are considered when designating a restricted patient "high profile" and what effects that has on the management of that patient whilst detained in a hospital or in the community, following a conditional discharge. The document should be read in conjunction with the briefing titled "Mentally Disordered Offenders - The restricted patient system".
Exploring Mental Health Inpatient Capacity. The report from the NHS Strategy Unit hosted by Midlands and Lancashire CSU, explores the pressures on inpatient mental health services across sustainability and transformation partnerships in England, drawing on a range of datasets, published research and interviews with staff working in mental health services.
Serious incident investigation report excerpt: Secretary of State case review into Beth An excerpt from a report looking at the care and management of Bethany, a Looked After Child (LAC).
New supporting information for inspectors and Mental Health Act reviewers addresses the risk factors of closed environments When a service has a closed culture, people are more at risk of abuse and human rights breaches. The supporting information includes risk factors and warning signs of closed cultures in health and social care settings and how inspectors and their managers should consider and respond to these.
Projections of older people living with dementia and costs of dementia care in the United Kingdom: 2019–2040 To plan effectively for the care and support of people with dementia, it is important to understand the level of care likely to be required to meet future care needs and the associated care costs. This report, commissioned by Alzheimer’s Society, provides projections of the number of older people (aged 65 and over) living with dementia and the costs of health care, social care and unpaid care for older people living with dementia from 2019 to 2040 in the four countries of the United Kingdom.
Deprivation of liberty in the hospital setting: updated guide. The 39 Essex Chambers guide to deprivation of liberty in the hospital setting has now been updated, in particular to take account of the decision of the Supreme Court in Re D (A Child) [2019] UKSC 42.
Mental Health Act Statistics, Annual Figures 2018-19. This publication contains the official statistics about uses of the Mental Health Act(1) ('the Act') in England during 2018-19.
Memorandum of understanding between CQC and the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC).The MoU will see an established framework for the sharing of information where incidents of avoidable harm have occurred to people using health and social care services.
The detention of young people with learning disabilities and/or autism: Second Report of Session 2019-20 A House of Commons and House of Lords Joint Committee on Human Rights report illustrating that the human rights of many people with a learning disability and/or autism are being breached in mental health hospitals. The Committee calls for an overhaul of inspections and changes to Mental Health Act 1983 to protect those detained. A Number 10 unit with Cabinet level leadership is deemed to be required to urgently drive forward reform.
Universal approaches to improving children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing: short descriptions of interventions identified from the synthesis of systematic reviews This report, and associated documents, summarises the evidence for the effectiveness of universal approaches to improving children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing. The documents are intended for strategic and operational leads, working on children and young people’s mental health.
JK v A Local Health Board [2019] EWHC 67 (Fam). This case considered whether it would be lawful to force feed a person detained under the Mental Health Act 1983 who was refusing to eat and had made an advance decision to refuse any medical intervention.
Bevan Brittan Updates
Case Summary: London Borough of Croydon v KR & Anor [2019] EWHC 2498 (Fam)
Bevan Brittan Events
Patient Safety: Proactive and Reactive Seminars
21.01.20 - London
22.01.20 - Leeds
29.01.20 - Birmingham
Bevan Brittan Mental Health Training - These are internal hour long lunch time training sessions that are attended by our team of solicitors. If your organisation is a Bevan Brittan client you can sign up to watch the training sessions remotely via our webinar facility. The next session coming up is:-
An Uncomfortable Direction of Travel? - a consideration of recent trio of Supreme Court Deprivation of Liberty decisions and the fault lines in Article 5 they expose. 10 December 2019 12.30pm - 1.30pm.
How can we help?
Fixed fee training packages. We have devised a two-part fixed fee training package to ensure mental health professionals are up to speed with their duties and to enable key managers to proactively manage caseloads. We regularly deliver these sessions to provider and commissioner organisations, including their partner agencies. If you would like more information click here.
Early Intervention Scheme and Triage. Our EIS allows us to help commissioners, providers and care co-ordinators identify packages of care and treatment interventions, for people who lack capacity, that need an appropriate legal framework. If you would like more information click here.
Bevan Brittan Mental Health Extranet
Would you like to access the Bevan Brittan Mental Health Extranet? - It is a secure online resource containing a discussion forum, knowledge bank and information about training events. If you would like access please contact Claire Bentley.
If you wish to discuss any mental health issues please contact Hannah Taylor, Simon Lindsay or Stuart Marchant.
Primary Care
Guidance on patient access to records online NHS England and the General Practitioners Committee (GPC) of the BMA has published guidance to support GP practices to provide online access to patient records, subject to existing safeguards for vulnerable groups and technical considerations.
Supporting link workers in primary care networks NHS England has published resources for social prescribing link workers in primary care networks (PCNs).
Primary care networks: a pre-mortem to identify potential risks This working paper presents six risks that could lead to the failure of primary care networks (PCNs): failure could be inherent in the policy design; PCNs may not be able to create effective organisations; PCNs could have a lack of focus; PCNs could experience failures of leadership and followership; PCNs could become overwhelmed by external pressure; and failure could be unfairly identified too early.
Five tips for successfully leading a primary care network Drawing on their work with emerging PCNs, Tricia Boyle and Beccy Baird offer five suggestions that could support those involved in developing these new networks.
A descriptive analysis of health care use by high-cost, high-need patients in England This paper explores health care use by the top 5 per cent of users of primary and secondary care services by cost.
If you wish to discuss any issues involving primary care please contact Vincent Buscemi.
The role of the NHS provider chair: a framework for development NHS provider chairs were consulted and contributed to the co-creation of the NHS provider chair development framework, which is expected to be widely applied to more effectively and consistently support the recruitment, development and retention of top leadership talent on NHS boards.
Framework for conducting annual appraisals of NHS provider chairs NHS provider chairs were consulted and contributed to the co-creation of this framework for conducting annual appraisal of NHS provider chairs, which is expected to be widely applied to more effectively and consistently support and develop the leaders in these pivotal roles.
Interim policy position: cannabis-based medicinal products. Registration requirements for providers who may prescribe cannabis-based medicinal products.
Better care for patients and service users The first report in a new series of biannual reports - Providers deliver - explores how trusts have responded to feedback from the Care Quality Commission in a positive and systematic way, encouraging ideas that have made a difference for patients and service users.
Medical practitioners assurance framework Independent health care providers have committed to implementing a medical governance framework that will help ensure all independent sector providers in England are able to further improve the care they are giving to their patients.
Bevan Brittan Updates
NHS providers: regularising your occupational arrangements.
If you wish to discuss any queries you may have around providers please contact Vincent Buscemi.
Public Health
Tens of thousands unaware they have deadly hepatitis C infection Report estimates that around two-thirds of people living with hepatitis C may not realise they have the virus, with PHE urging those at risk to get tested.
Protecting and improving the nation's health. After a systematic evidence review Public Health England has published a report containing short descriptions of interventions used to improve children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing. The report and associated documents are intended for strategic and operational leads working on young people’s mental health.
If you wish to discuss any queries you may have around public health please contact Claire Bentley.
Social Care
A manifesto for the future. Care England, a representative body for independent providers of adult social care, is calling for fair funding, proportionate regulation and due recognition that maintaining the current quality of care cannot be delivered on a shoestring. Recent research shows that the majority of social care providers are increasingly pressurised and envisage having to close some part of their services in the near future. The creation of a long-term funding solution is also interlinked with the development of an effective and motivated social care workforce.
Plugging the leaks in the UK care home industry. A report from the Centre for Health and Public Interest (CHPI) identifies where each pound that goes into the care home industry ends up, by using a forensic study of the accounts of more than 830 adult care home companies, including the 26 largest providers.
Ethical care: a bold reform agenda for adult social care This report identifies the three main drivers of quality in social care and highlights some examples of innovative and high-quality care across England. In the context of a growing gap between life expectancy and healthy life expectancy, the report argues that we must broaden our ideas about what high-quality care consists of, to include improving people’s wellbeing as they age, and therefore activities designed to engender purpose, meaning and social connection.
Helping to prevent winter deaths and illnesses associated with cold homes: a quick guide for home care managers Home care managers need to ensure that care staff can recognise people at risk and that they know how to document and share concerns appropriately. This guide covers: recognising a hard-to-heat home; identifying those most at risk; making every contact count; and being part of a successful discharge home. Free registration is required to download the guide.
Bevan Brittan Updates
Six key trends in the health and social care investment market
If you wish to discuss any queries you may have around social care please contact Monica Macheng or Stuart Marchant
Suicide bereavement support to be made available across England Personalised bereavement support will be available on the NHS in England to care for people after a relative or friend's suicide, the Government has announced. The plans mean anyone affected by a family member or friend taking their own life will have access to practical and emotional support in the days and months following their death. Ten areas will benefit from over £1 million in funding.
A manager's guide to criteria-led discharge Criteria-led discharge (CLD) is a process that empowers a competent member of the multidisciplinary team (eg junior doctor, registered nurse, therapist) to discharge a patient when they meet pre-agreed clinical criteria for discharge. This removes the need for the patient to wait for the lead clinician (eg consultant) to approve discharge. This guide to CLD supports managers to implement, sustain and spread CLD, as well as providing context and evidence around the process.
New NHS online training to help people get home from hospital quicker. NHS England and Health Education England have launched ActNow, an e-learning tool developed for health service and care staff to help them reduce hospital delays for patients.
No age limit: the hidden face of domestic abuse In this report, Age UK advocates legislation to change what is understood as domestic abuse and make it easier for people to recognise or report it, as well as to improve the resources available to help victims and survivors. This includes training for health care practitioners and better links between the NHS and police.
Securing cyber resilience in health and care: Progress update 2019 A Department of Health and Social Care report outlines actions taken by the Department and its delivery partners to build cyber resilience in health and care since the May 2017 WannaCry cyber attack and looks forward to 2020. It provides an update on progress made against the recommendations made by NHS Digital on behalf of the Chief Information Officer for health and social care.
Women and HIV in the UK This report provides a summary of the HIV epidemic in women in the UK and contains information on trends in new HIV diagnoses in women, clinical outcomes among women accessing HIV services in the UK, HIV testing patterns in antenatal and sexual health services, quality of life and experiences of women living with HIV, satisfaction with HIV services and the extent to which social and women’s health needs are being met.
The party manifestos: five things to watch for General election season is upon us and as campaigns are launched, it's clear that the NHS will be central to debates in the coming weeks. But what else should the parties be focusing on to support the health of the nation? Sally Warren shares the five things she'll be looking out for in the party manifestos.
Handbook to the NHS Constitution for England The updated Handbook to the NHS Constitution for England, which is designed to give the public, patients, carers, families and NHS staff all the information they need about the NHS Constitution for England. The handbook covers: NHS values and the principles that guide the NHS; explanations of the rights and pledges in the NHS Constitution; legal sources of patient and staff rights; and the roles we all play in protecting and developing the NHS. The first and second parts of the handbook explain the NHS guiding principles and values set out in the constitution, the third part is a guide to patients' rights, and the fourth part explains the rights of NHS staff, and the further pledges the NHS made towards them to help them deliver high quality and compassionate care and to make the NHS a better place to work.
Assisted dying review rejected by High Court The Divisional Court has refused an application for judicial review of assisted dying policy. The claimant, who has motor neurone disease, had requested that the court carry out a "detailed examination of the evidence" and to consider whether the ban on assisted dying was incompatible with human rights. The court held that the question was not one which could be resolved by the court because no objective, single, correct answer could be said to exist and courts were not the venue for arguments which have failed to convince Parliament.
UK risking fall in national life expectancy as social inequalities increase An analysis of mortality data by charity the Health Foundation explores the reasons behind stalling life expectancy improvements in the UK and uncovers a trend of a rising number of avoidable deaths among the under 50s.