I am a specialist employment lawyer with experience in contentious and non-contentious employment law. I act for clients across a wide range of sectors including central and local government, education, healthcare, financial services, housing associations, charities and the private sector.
My expertise is in complex employment litigation; strategic and operational HR support; advising on senior employee exits; TUPE; industrial action and trade union issues; enforcement of restrictive covenants; redundancy and consultation.
I also enjoy delivering training sessions for clients and have delivered sessions on a variety of issues including unconscious bias, diversity, equality and inclusion and day-to-day HR issues.
My aim is to build good working relationships with clients from day one, to provide concise, tailored advice relevant to your sector.
Heather's areas of expertise
- Central Government & Agencies
- Financial Services
- Higher Education
- Housing & Regeneration
- Local Government
- Employment, Pensions & Immigration
- Contingent workforce and the gig economy
- Employment contracts and policies
- Employment advisory support
- Whistleblowing and raising concerns
- TUPE and outsourcing
- Equalities, diversity and discrimination
- Investigations
- Employment disputes and litigation
- Industrial relations and trade unions
- Workforce restructuring and agile working
- Health workforce
- Training
- Statutory Officer Discipline
- Combatting Sexual Harassment Training
- Employment Law Training Unit
- Large Scale Settlement Agreements